
2024 Happenings

Read on to learn where you can find me this year!   THEATRE   MUSIC

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The Snow Queen ~ B Street Theatre

“Tall, commanding Maggie Hollinbeck handles the title role with an icy smile…. Director Jerry Montoya lets the scary parts become a tad intense: a 3-year-old sitting next to this critic got worried, but held onto Mama’s hand and made it through to the end.” ~ Jeff Hudson, Sacramento News & Review

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Little Fish ~ New Helvetia Theatre

“Maggie Hollinbeck is perfectly cast as Charlotte. She plays Charlotte with a vulnerability that makes her seem like she is going to break…. Yet Charlotte continues to find her strength. It is always a pleasure to hear Hollinbeck sing, and this is no exception.” ~ Bill Burgua, Sacramento Press

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bare ~ Artistic Differences Theatre Co.

“Maggie Hollinbeck does a great deal with a small role, mingling grace with pain as Peter’s disappointed but loving mother—and Hollinbeck’s duet with Blair in “See Me” will break the heart of anyone who’s had to come out to a beloved parent as well as any parent who’s had to listen.” ~ Kel Munger, Sacramento News…

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